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King Golden, J.D., Secretary


king-smallKing Golden, J.D.–Member

Mr. Golden has been a Member of the Board of Directors since 1987 and served as its Secretary/Treasurer from 1989 to 2002. He received his B.A. in Economics from the University of California Berkeley and his Juris Doctor from the University of Virginia.   Mr. Golden is a member of the California State Bar Association.

Mr. Golden previously served as corporate counsel for Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC).  

Active in national and local politics, Mr. Golden was a candidate for the 41st Congressional District and he was Assistant to U.S. Senator Edmund Muskie. Mr. Golden has served as President of the Big Sister League of San Diego and co-founded SCOOP, a cooperative program for the elderly.

"You have the most positive schools I've ever seen!" State Department of Education site reviewer