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Give to TIEE


Give to TIEE because, like all of us at TIEE
• You care passionately about the education of kids;

• You care that kids get the best education whatever their natural talents;

• You believe that schools should be positive places where kids really learn, learn to love learning, and learn to be good people; and

• You believe that schools should accept responsibility for providing the best education possible.

At TIEE, we believe that our job is to teach our students to become the people we would want to have as our neighbors, maybe even our friends.

There are many ways to give to TIEE or one of its schools.

The Institute for Effective Education is a California non-profit corporation [501[c](3)] in good standing. Since 1972, TIEE has invested in its present and future ability to deliver the highest quality education to the San Diego community. TIEE’s non-profit status means that all revenue is devoted to its program efforts, including direct service, support service, and capitalization. It means that your donation is tax-deductible.

Sound financial practices and planning, multi-use facilities, programs of perennial commendation, caring teachers and therapists, and the senior professionals who can guide and train them comprise the nucleus of TIEE’s service. In making your donation, you can be confident that TIEE will provide quality education to the San Diego community for many, many years.

You may choose to target your gift to any one of TIEE’s four schools.

Children’s Workshop
COOK Education Center
Urban Skills Center
Mt. Helix Academy

You may decide that the best way for you to give is to target a specific event or program at one of TIEE’s schools. Consider underwriting the costs for one of our wish list items.

You may wish to allow TIEE to decide how to use your contribution. Either way, TIEE will be the recipient of your gift and will use it in the way you designate. You will receive a letter from the Executive Director acknowledging your gift, which you can use as evidence for your tax deduction.

"You have the most positive schools I've ever seen!" State Department of Education site reviewer