LeBlanc gives exceptional Master Workshop

October 4th, 2010 by admin


Linda LeBlanc responding to a TIEE staffer's question during one of her Master Workshop's engaging exercises.

Linda LeBlanc, Ph.D., BCBA-D, Associate Professor of Auburn University, gave a full-day, motivating and informative Master Workshop to 40 of TIEE’s professional and paraprofessional staffers on Saturday, October 2.

LeBlanc’s Master Workshop on “Using Naturalistic Teaching Strategies to Teach Children with Autism” provided an overview of and rationale for so-called naturalistic teaching approaches, specific procedures for implementing them, and strong encouragement to make learning opportunities for challenging students more fun. LeBlanc’s examples and exercises were largely drawn from her work on ABA intervention for young children with autism, and therefore especially relevant to the program at Children’s Workshop; however, her methods were easily adaptable to all students served in TIEE’s schools. Responses of TIEE staffers was very positive to LeBlanc’s presentation and promised that many of her recommendations would be implemented as soon as possible.

Master Workshops, which are supported in part by Federal Title II funds, are held two to four times each year and are led by research scientists whose practices are especially relevant to the instructional programming in TIEE’s schools.