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Collaboration, IEPs and Progress Reporting


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We are dedicated to the successful transition of our students.

At Urban Skills Center, we know that a student’s educational and social success is greatly enhanced through effective collaboration and communication between the school, the student’s family, and the personnel representing the referring public school district. As is true of all TIEE schools, we at the Urban Skills Center are committed to increasing our students’ academic, behavioral, and social growth through meaningful collaboration with our students’ families.

Because all of our students are at least 18 years of age, some have become independent adult decision makers in charge of their own fate. Some live outside of the family home. Family involvement is, for these students, a matter for them to decide. We encourage family involvement but respect the decisions of these students. Other students are legally conserved, so annual planning, IEP, and other decisions necessarily involve family members or surrogate parents.

Student progress reports are generated quarterly and are sent to those parents who continue to have decision making authority for their children and to parents who are approved by their adult children. These reports are designed to provide clear and concise information on the achievement of each student’s IEP goals and benchmarks. Parents may also be informed of student progress on a more frequent basis through telephone contact.

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